by P Q | Sep 19, 2021 | Emotional Intelligence, Relationships, Relationships in the Workplace
At some point you’re bound to be asked the question or find yourself drawn into a conversation whether it be at a family dinner, a social gathering or in the workplace – are you pro or anti the covid 19 vaccination? Firstly, let me put a disclaimer out there that I am...
by P Q | Sep 6, 2021 | Emotional Intelligence, Relationships, Relationships in the Workplace, Singles and Couples
Do you find it difficult to say no to others? Do you find yourself agreeing to things that you don’t want to do or functions you don’t want to attend? Are you constantly worried about what others might think of you and that you don’t want to disappoint or let others...
by P Q | Jan 27, 2021 | Emotional Intelligence, Relationships, Relationships in the Workplace, Self Improvement & Education
If you have been feeling lost, out of sorts, not quite yourself or like a lone survivor on an island in the middle of nowhere lately, you are not alone. We all have moments of despondency when things that should inspire us just feel boring or unstimulating. The...
by P Q | Jan 9, 2021 | Emotional Intelligence, Relationships in the Workplace, Self Improvement & Education
Last year was supposed to be the year of #20plenty. This year, let it be the year of #20won Let this year be the year where we win the war against:: The COVID virus Remote / hybrid working becoming acceptable and not just because of the pandemic. Mental health being...
by P Q | Nov 19, 2020 | Relationships, Relationships in the Workplace, Singles and Couples
Do you find it hard to forgive your partner or someone for things they have done in the past that has hurt you? Forgiveness can be a hard and difficult topic to work with, and generally is one of the hardest actions for us to perform in our relationships. How can we...
by P Q | Nov 5, 2020 | Emotional Intelligence, Relationships in the Workplace
Coming out of lock down has meant different things to many people but for the majority of us it smacked of freedom. Freedom to go back to work, to see our families and friends, and we potentially even dared to believe that things were going back to normal – or...